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Flames Season 4 Release Date Announced Or Not?

Written By: Dhruv Soni

Flames is a very popular series which is based on a teenage love story of a boy and a girl who are very different from each other. Till now there is a total of three seasons of flames and every season has gotten a positive response on OTT. The third season of flames is recently released on Amazon Prime and become a super hit. There is going to be season four of the series because season 3 has left many questions. The director of Flames Apoorv Singh Karki directed the two seasons of flames but season third is directed by Divyanshu Malhotra and it’s directed very beautifully. Flames is a story about how a student fell in love with his batch mate and what type of teenage problems they have to face and how to get out of it. The series is a must-watch. So, today in this article we are going to talk about the Flame’s season 4 release date. Stay connected with our website TheSutrasar for more updates.

Flames Season 4 Release date

Flame’s third season was recently released on 28th October 2022. Consisting of 5 episodes with a running time of 35-45 minutes each. All three season is available on Amazon Prime Video. Received 8.9 out of 10 on IMDB. The first season of Flames was released on 5th January 2018. The second season was released on 15th October 2019. Because of covid season, the third is pushed two years away but now as everything is getting normal. And the great success of season third. As of now, the makers haven’t announced any release date but according to our sources, we can get to see the fourth season of Flames somewhere at the end of 2023. The creators are very happy with the success of the series. Also, fans are eagerly waiting for the Flame season 4 release date.

Flames Season 4 Cast

After seeing the performances of the cast in the previous three seasons. cast to return in season 4. According to the requirement, new cast members also can be added. So, we start with the main lead characters of the series Ritvik Sahore as Rajat and Tanya Maniktala as Ishita these are the main two characters of the series.

There is also a supporting cast who have done an extremely fabulous job in the series like Sonakshi Grover as Anusha, Shivam Kakar as Gaurav Pandey, Deepesh Sumitra Jagdish as Pradeep Kaushal, Gaurav Manwani as Batri, and Debobrato Mukherjee as Ritvik’s Brother, etc.

Flames Season One Plot

Flames season is about Rajat and Ishita. Rajat’s friends call him Rajjo and they are in the 11th class. They go for tuition in sunshine Class where they meet their Kaushal Sir. Rajat met Ishita in his tuition class and fell in love with her. The first season deals with how the two friends become lovers. Rajat started dating Ishita at the end of the first season because of some misunderstanding both broke up. Ishita has left the tuition classes that’s how season one ends.

Flames Season 2 Plot.

In season two Ishita is started taking therapy for depression and when Rajat finds this that she is going through depression. He goes and solves all the misunderstandings and they decided to stay only friends and that’s how season two ends on a mutual note to stay friends. With the help of his friends, Rajat finally convinces Ishita to stay friends with Rajat, but Rajat still has the same feelings for Ishita that he has in season one. When all this is happening sunshine tuition classes lost their place because of high rent and Kaushal sir and other teachers decided to move classes somewhere else. Many teachers left the classes and in the last, only two teachers were left and that’s how season two ended.

Flames Season 3 Plot.

In the third season, Rajat and Ishita are in touch but very formally because they agree on a note to stay just friends in season two. This season is going to introduce some new characters like Rajat’s brother and father going to make their first screen appearance. This season is going to be very dramatic. Still, Rajat has feelings for Ishita, and somewhere Ishita also has feelings but both not confessing each other. Rajat also has to tell his father for quitting maths peruse arts after 12th. His father agrees and gives them the freedom to do whatever they want to do in their life. Facing their problems finally they decide to come into a relationship, In the end, Kaushal sir gets a heart attack and gets hospitalized because he can’t handle all the pressures of classes alone, and after all this third season ends here.

Flames Season 4 Expected Plot.

As we all know what happened in the third season makes season four more exciting because of the suspense and drama that comes in season four. Season 3 has left many questions, will Ishita and Rajat stay in a relationship or break up? To know everything, we have to wait for reason four.

Flames Season 4 Trailer

As of now, there’s no official trailer released for Flames season 4. If you have didn’t see the trailer for previous seasons, we are putting links below. Go and watch it. According to our sources, we can get to see the trailer for season four somewhere at the end of 2023 or the start of 2024.

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